The Gate


Part I


"The Slightest Leaning Laugh"


~ From Part II ~

~ Prelude ~

~ The Flood ~

~ Hourglass ~

~ Total Ambivalence ~

~ The Dove and the Gull ~

~ A Rock Ascending ~

~ The Music of the Sun ~

~ Red July ~

~ The Writing on the Wall ~

~ The Sea and the Tree ~

~ The Valley of Hinnom ~




William Whittingham




The Gate Part  II

The Gate Part III









The Gate Part I


12 Chapters

2 hours 15 minutes

HD 800p 30fps 3Mbps

12:5 CinemaScope 1920x800

3 GB Usage- 48KHz Stereo Audio

Suitable  for  6Mbs+  Speed  Network

Also at 480p 30fps 1Mbps 1GB for slower Net

Set Audio Dolby or other Surround Virtualization off

Set Audio Volume Equalization/Fade-in-Maximization off

The Gate is a Musical Narrative - designed to play at high volume












In May 2016 will be promotional free viewings

Also Astré will be live










The Gate Part I

(The Gate TSLL by WW)


From Part II  (5:30)  - an ancient curse is revealed to be at play

Prelude  (30:30)  - ambient, sonorous, trance, premonitive, meditative, hypnotic

The Flood  (1:00)  - it begins

Hourglass:  (5:50)  - trapped in a timeless void

Total Ambivalence  (0:40)  - there is to be no clapping, no cheering, no dancing...

The Dove and the Gull  (17:00)  - this is why we never hear, of the gull..

A Rock Ascending  (19:00)  - a vision

The Music of the Sun  (6:45)  - we are dancing to, always

Red July  (5:50)  - an ancient flight, re-enacting, over and over

The Writing on the Wall  (12:10)  - is revealed

The Sea and the Tree  (18:00)  - is the return, to...

The Valley of Hinnom   (8:45)




1st Half:  (60:30)  From Part II,  Prelude,  The Flood,  Hourglass,  Total Ambivalence,  The Dove and the Gull

2nd Half:  (70:30)  A Rock Ascending,  The Music of the Sun,  Red July,  The Writing on the Wall,  The Sea and the Tree,  The Valley of Hinnom


1st Third:  (43:30)  From Part II,  Prelude,  The Flood,  Hourglass,  Total Ambivalence
2nd Third:  (42:45)   The Dove and the Gull,   A Rock Ascending,   The Music of the Sun

3rd Third: (44:45)  Red July,  The Writing on the Wall,  The Sea and the Tree,  The Valley of Hinnom





The Epics:


The Dove and the Gull (17 min)

A Rock Ascending (19 min)

Red July/The Writing on the Wall (18 min)

The Sea and the Tree/Credits/Epilog (18 min)









Theatre License


The Theatre License

Preview the movie here variously

Acquiring the BluRay allows a Theatre License

For public showings through any projection with admission

Afterwards remit payment for 25% of viewer revenues through the Paywall

Enter  (Viewers)  x  (Ticket Price)  x 25%, date - also buys new Paid Content Bandwidth



Low risk
















Broadcast Commercial License

(available ~June 2016)


The Broadcast License

Preview the movie here variously

Acquiring the BluRay allows a Broadcast License

For public showings through any media distribution network

A commercial blank stamped Version on the BluRay allows commercial insert

Then remit payment for $1 for 1% of Station Net-Viewer-Reach (Established Real Viewers)

 Into the Paywall, or $1 for 0.1% for Station Gross-Viewer-Reach (Potential Viewers) – (whatever is higher)







Low risk



Play 2.5 Hour: 30 Minutes of Commercial Black Space blocked out (Commercial Schedule/Play)

Play 3.0 Hour: 48 Minutes of Commercial Black Space blocked out (Commercial Schedule/Play)












Continuous Play License

(available ~June 2016)


Buy the Continuous Play Track

11 Complete Showings every 24 hours




$110/3 weeks

















Note the Theatre and Broadcast License and other licensing allow you to play this work to

a public paying audience, please update the Theatre or Broadcast License within 14 days

of the showing. For Theatre License: based on how many paid viewers you had.

For Broadcast License: on how many Station Net-Viewer-Reach was in play,

or how many Station Gross-Viewer-Reach was in play, or for other showings.

 Updating within 14 days will avoid Copyright Infringement of the showing.









Windows 8 Video Playback may introduce periodic 1 or 2 second flutter or pause when on WIFI or USB (MS progress...).

If a short network break occurs the screen may freeze – note the stopped time – do browser refresh – move to stopped time and resume

Disable web browser popups and other interrupts if possible.




CinemaScope 12:5 Aspect Ratio 1080p is 1920x800p (1080 with bars removed), 720p is 1728x720p, 480p is 1152x480p




This work is not associated in any way shape or form with any other work known as or referred to as "The Gate", but is an entirely independent original work.

(c) 2010, 2012, 2013 William Whittingham









…will resume June 2016…




...will load and play below...